The project

The aim of One Click Reno is to contribute to the transition towards a zero-emission building stock accelerating the volume and depth of building renovations in the EU by making visible and tangible the benefits of deep renovations using Building Renovation Passports (BRPs), instruments for the stimulation of cost-effective renovation through long-term staged renovation roadmaps for a specific building, helping owners and investors plan the best timing and scope for interventions.

  • OCR relays on six concepts that can be seen as transitional paths aiming to change the state of play from the actual energy renovation rates and businesses, into a new paradigm of more consciousness decisions, more distributed and balanced market, more holistic approaches and longer-term view for energy renovation processes and thus, slowly and inexorably, enforce and grow the renovation rates:

    • BRPs, as long-term staged renovation roadmaps.

    • Benefits showcased to ease decision making are not limited to energy efficiency, but to stakeholders’ interests.

    • Distributed GIS based ICT developments turn OCR webtools into location-based data and services integrators.

    • Multi-targeted approach ensures robustness, quality, and brand reliance.

    • Demonstration is to be proofed in 4 pilot markets and 1 listener market assessing replicability. They hold different levels of automatization maturity, representing different approaches in the EU.

    • The OCR multi-functional approach will benefit different stakeholders in different ways: AWARE for Homeowners, MARKET for Professionals / contractors / suppliers, PLAN for Policy makers, FUND for Financial Entities, LEARN for One Click Reno platform.

  • The project objectives will be achieved through the activities and tasks structured according to the following workplan:

    • The process starts with the characterization of renovation markets and solutions, regulations and building stocks & definition of EPC requirements, goals, strategies, renovation stages and indicators in order to define a common BRP model that can be adapted and customised, if needed, to different countries.

    • Next, the process of obtaining estimated BRPs is automated. For this, data sources for previously defined attributes and indicators must be found and collected & calculation methods for baseline scenarios and renovation stages and combinations must be set and performed.

    • Then, the implementation / upgrade of the most adequate web tools for each renovation market, to be equipped with the capacities to get (and improve) automated BRP will take place.

    • The web tools represent different levels of maturity, so as to prove the flexibility and scalability of the OCR capacities in 5 different demonstration ecosystems located in Ireland, Spain, the Netherlands, Italy and Greece.

5 pilot locations

5 pilot locations ✱