Current status of BRPs in the EU

BRPs are considered instruments for the stimulation of cost-effective renovation through long-term staged renovation roadmap for a specific building, helping owners and investors plan the best timing and scope for interventions. Staged renovation can be a solution to address the issue of high upfront costs and hassle for the inhabitants that may occur when renovating ‘in one go’. Such staged renovation needs to be carefully planned to avoid that one renovation step precludes subsequent steps (i.e., lock in effect).

Although to date there is no official regulation in place for Building Renovation Passports in the EU, the upcoming EPBD recast article 10 outlines the short-terms future regarding BRPs:

  • Shall be issued by qualified and certified experts, following an on-site visit.

  • Ought to include a renovation roadmap with steps up to the Zero Energy Building, no later than 2050.

  • Ought to consider expected benefits in terms of energy savings, savings on energy bills, and operational GHG emissions. Also, health and comfort and the improved adaptive capacity of the building to climate change.

  • Shall provide information about potential financial and technical support.

  • Should be coordinated with Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs).

Before 2024 the European Commission shall adopt delegated acts by establishing a common EU framework for renovation passports, introducing a dedicated scheme before 2025.

One Click RENO BRP

One Click RENO aims to upgrade existing or enable the creation of tools massively generating automated but customizable BRPs for staged renovation based on the characterization of the different contexts, in terms of building stock, national minimum Energy Performance (EP) requirements, Zero Energy Buildings (ZEB) definitions, long-term renovation strategy/ building renovation plans, and National Energy Performance Certificates (EPC).

Building Renovation Roadmaps will be defined in relation to EPCs (and energy audits) from the base cases to the renovation stages per typology, and the selection of quantitative and qualitative energy and non-energy indicators will be carried out by taking each context into account.

OCR BRP, as long-term staged renovation roadmap, will provide:

  • Itineraries, to ease the short-term implementation with a long-term view of results, based on users’ interests (renovation strategy). Owner-friendly long-term renovation road map to plan building renovation step-by-step, with corresponding economic figures for each individual intervention.

  • Non-regret solutions, being first stages stand-alone solutions that do not interfere with subsequent stages, avoiding lock-in effects

  • Flexibility and adaptability to circumstances, by offering alternatives at the time of implementing next stage, according to real results reported, solutions that neighbors or comparable buildings are implementing, or their experiences and satisfaction

  • Robustness and quality results, through scenario simulation, professional validation, certified implementation and feedback looping for simulation improvement.