



The late follower

Types of buildings targeted:

Residential (private and public), but also non-residential buildings (e.g. school and offices ) will be targeted in the demo site. Built between 1946 and 1980.

Partners involved:


Pilot characteristics

  • In Emilia-Romagna, the majority of homes were built before 1980, resulting in a housing stock that often lacks modern energy efficiency. While the Region has been a trailblazer in implementing energy national efficiency standards and requirements, the journey toward widespread renovation faces several key challenges.

  • 1. Fragmented Landscape: the current system for building renovation is marked by fragmented data, services, and solutions, making it difficult for homeowners and investors to navigate and understand the process;

    2. Uncertain Regulations: fluctuations in regulations can create instability, hindering long-term planning and investment in renovation projects;

    3. Short-Term Incentives: the duration of incentivizing policies often falls short of the actual time required for construction, discouraging homeowners from undertaking comprehensive renovations.

    These challenges present a significant opportunity for innovation and transformation. By addressing these obstacles head-on, Emilia-Romagna can lead the way in creating a more efficient, sustainable, and comfortable housing landscape for its residents.

  • The OneClick RENO project is bringing innovative solutions to streamline building renovations in Emilia-Romagna and beyond. OCR can make a real difference through:

    1. A Defragmented Approach: instead of dealing with fragmented information, OCR will create Renovation Passports, which act as a central hub where energy, cadastral, and planimetric data can all be found in one place. This will make things easier for everyone involved, from professionals to local authorities, making the entire renovation planning process smoother and faster.

    2. Streamlined Roadmaps: with up-to-date and pre-calculated renovation plans readily available, the project aims to simplify the often complex path to energy efficiency. These roadmaps can be easily integrated into local One-stop-shop services, offering convenient access to both residents and businesses looking to renovate.

    3. Stronger Collaboration: by bringing together key players in the building renovation sector - regional authorities, professionals, and municipalities - OCR will foster a more collaborative environment. This unified effort will ensure that building renovations are well-coordinated and meet the specific needs of the regional and national markets.

    4. Regional Pioneering Role: the project will help regional authorities and municipalities in Emilia-Romagna maintain their key role in promoting energy efficiency and deep renovations. By providing streamlined tools and valuable insights, OCR will empower local decision-makers to implement effective energy-saving measures.

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